Join Our Choruses
Ithaca Community Chorus & Chamber Singers (ICC&CS)
ICC&CS has two chorus “semesters” with the spring semester beginning in late January/early February, and the fall semester beginning in September. Registration for each semester typically opens about two months before the beginning of the semester. For complete information, click HERE
Transpose: Ithaca Queer Singers Alliance (Formerly Ithaca Gay Men’s Chorus)
TRANSPOSE has open enrollment all through the year. For registration information, click HERE.
VOICES Multicultural Chorus
VOICES has two chorus “semesters” with the spring semester beginning in late January, and the fall semester beginning in late August. Registration for each semester typically opens about two months before the beginning of the semester. For registration information, click HERE.
SummerSing is an 8-week music program that begins in early to mid-June. Registration typically opens about two months before rehearsals begin. For registration information, click HERE.