We are temporarily unable to accept credit card payments for registration.  We will be able to accept your payment via cash, check or credit card at rehearsal. Please do proceed with registration so we can plan appropriately.

VOICES Spring 2025 Registration is Now Open

VOICES Multicultural Chorus invites you to join us in January 2025.  VOICES is a non-audition group of singers excited about learning, sharing and singing songs from diverse choral traditions.

Our theme for the semester is “For the Birds” through which we celebrate the musical motifs of birds, animals and nature. Our diverse selection of songs  is inspired by the natural world. The initial repertoire is linked here.

Starting on Monday, January 27, we will meet weekly through mid-May on Monday evenings, 7:00 to 8:45 PM, in the Annex (second floor) of the First Unitarian Society of Ithaca located at 208 E. Buffalo Street in downtown Ithaca.  The semester ends with our concert on May 17. Registration for the first night of rehearsal will open at 6:15 PM.  On February 3 and 10, registration will open at 6:30 PM.

Feel free to join with us for one of our first three rehearsals to experience our fun group with no obligation.

Please complete the registration form at the bottom of this page. You may either pay online with your credit card or pay in person at rehearsal.  Once you have entered all of your information, click on the SUBMIT button.

ACI Covid Protocols

The ACI Choruses will follow the current COVID mitigation guidance of the CDC, NYSDOH and Tompkins County Whole Health.  As long as COVID transmission levels remain low, mask wearing is optional.

Questions concerning registration and the fall program can be emailed to voices@ACIthaca.org.

Voices Spring 2025 Registration
First Name
Last Name
Street Address/PO Box
Apartment #
Preferred Voice Range (you may change your choice anytime)
We need your help - please check those tasks you are willing to help with (optional but appreciated)
Semester fee is $50 (music loaned at no cost). Select $50 if paying now, $0 if paying at rehearsal.