VOICES Fall 2025 Registration Will Open in Late July


VOICES Multicultural Chorus invites you to join us in for the Fall  2025 semester.  VOICES is a non-audition group of singers excited about learning, sharing and singing songs from diverse choral traditions.

We meet weekly Monday evenings, 7:00 to 8:45 PM, in the Annex (second floor) of the First Unitarian Society of Ithaca located at 208 E. Buffalo Street in downtown Ithaca.  The semester ends with our concert in December.

Feel free to join with us for one of our first three rehearsals to experience our fun group with no obligation.

ACI Covid Protocols

The ACI Choruses will follow the current COVID mitigation guidance of the CDC, NYSDOH and Tompkins County Whole Health.  As long as COVID transmission levels remain low, mask wearing is optional.

Questions concerning registration and the fall program can be emailed to voices@ACIthaca.org.