We are temporarily unable to accept credit card payments for registration. We will be able to accept your payment via cash, check or credit card at rehearsal. Please do proceed with registration so we can plan appropriately.
Registration for the Spring 2025 semester is now open.
For the Spring 2025 semester, ICC&CS rehearsals will be held on Wednesdays at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church beginning on February 5, 2025. The concert will be on Saturday, May 10, 2025 featuring the “Frostiana” by Randall Thompson and “Lux aeterna” by Morten Lauridsen. Complete information and facts for the semester can be found at https://acithaca.org/groups/icccs/info/.
We ask that you register online to help us in our planning for the semester, even if you are just trying us out. You may choose to pay the registration fee via the website or you may pay at your first rehearsal. To register, please complete the registration form at the bottom of this page. Please submit a registration form even if you choose to pay later or if you are just trying us out.
Our first rehearsal for the 2025 Spring semester will be on Wednesday, February 5, 7-8:30 PM. On-site registration begins at 6:15 PM. If you can’t make it to the first rehearsal, we will still take registrations on the following Wednesday, Wednesday, February 12th and Wednesday, February 19th. We allow the first three scheduled rehearsals to “try it out.” At the end of the third scheduled rehearsal, you must make the commitment to join if you wish to continue attending.
The registration fee is $75 for singers and $25 for student singers. Please contact ICC&CS President, Charlotte Rosen, at icccs@ACIthaca.org by Monday, February 3, 2025 to apply for full or partial scholarships.
We accept cash, check or credit card payment for dues. As always, we will also be glad to accept your optional, tax-deductible donation.
Singers are responsible for purchasing their own music scores. Complete music information is found on our Music page at https://acithaca.org/groups/icccs/music/
COVID Information and Policy
Rehearsals are being held in the dining room at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church. St. Paul’s has updated the ventilation system for the dining room to improve the quality of the room environment and to allow the introduction of outside air.
The ACI choruses will follow current COVID mitigation guidance of the CDC, NYSDH, and Tompkins County Whole Health. Individual choruses may implement additional protective measures such as distancing, testing, or requiring masking as appropriate to their participants. If chorus members test positive, they will notify the president of the chorus, and the chorus president will notify their membership.
Mask wearing is optional. If you are interested in purchasing a Singer’s Mask, all we can suggest is that you Google “singing masks” and you will find many choices, some from reputable sources and some probably not so reputable.
Send an email to musicinfo@ACIthaca.org if you have any questions.