Ithaca Community Chorus
& Chamber Singers (ICC&CS)
We are dedicated to learning and performing history’s best choral offerings. The Chamber Singers is a select sub-group of the Chorus.
Quick Facts
Director: | Gerald Wolfe |
Rehearsal Time: | Wednesday evenings, 7:00 – 8:30 PM |
Rehearsal Location: | St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
402 N. Aurora St., Ithaca, New York |
Contact Us: | |
Join ICC&CS! | Click here to register! |
The ICC&CS Steering Committee is looking for new members
Our chorus depends on volunteers to help run its week-to-week activities and on its Steering Committee (SC) to coordinate these activities.
Commitment: Steering Committee meetings are on Zoom for about one hour.
Focus: The SC oversees programming, logistics, finance and fundraising, marketing, and public relations for the chorus. It also provides a liaison with the Board of Directors of the Affiliated Choruses of Ithaca. SC members are encouraged to work on projects that match their interests and skills and to assume leadership positions.
Next steps: If you are interested or have questions, please contact the steering committee at
Singer Information
Complete information for singers may be found at
About ICC&CS
Founded in 1976 by Paul Gibbons (music director until his retirement in 1990), the Ithaca Community Chorus and Chamber Singers (ICC&CS) has grown to include well over 100 participants. Composed of students and residents from around the Tompkins County area, the Chorus membership is diverse, finding commonality in dedication to learning and performing history’s best choral offerings. The Chamber Singers is a select sub-group of the Chorus.
Our Concerts
ICC&CS performs two major concerts a year, at least one of which is with orchestral accompaniment. The Chorus’ repertoire is complex and diverse–comprising works spanning the centuries as well as the globe. The Chorus has sung locally for audiences of about 400, and as far away as Moscow and St. Petersburg in Russia.
Giving Back to the Community
The ICC&CS commitment to fostering appreciation for the choral art has extended to related projects such as sponsoring the 10-day Upstate New York tour of the Vassilyostrovsky Music School children’s choir ‘Uventa’ from St. Petersburg, Russia, and also a tour to Ithaca by the Malaysian Children’s Choir from Singapore.
In addition, each year the Chorus sponsors workshops, led by eminent musicians and technicians from the community, which are open to Chorus members and to the general public.
Our Sponsors
ICC&CS is supported in part by grants from the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA), the Community Arts Partnership (CAP) of Tompkins County, the Strebel Fund for Community Enrichment of the Community Foundation, the Vector Magnetics fund of the Community Foundation, and PPG Industries Foundation. Resources for Chorus concerts come from membership dues, fundraising events, ticket sales and other contributions. Members’ active participation in all aspects of Chorus operations is strongly encouraged.
Our Affiliations
The Ithaca Community Chorus & Chamber Singers is an Associate Member of the Community Arts Partnership of Tompkins County. In recent years, programs have been made possible in part with funds from the NYS Council on the Arts Decentralization Program administered by the Community Arts Partnership of Tompkins County, and from the Community Arts Partnership Direct Support Program.